The 5th Visionary Thinking Exhibition

The 5th Visionary Thinking Exhibition

The exhibition will be held to present the results of the Kanazawa College of Art, SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation and Suzuki Motor Corporation, which has been conducted since 2020. 
"Visionary Thinking" is a way of thinking to carve out the future with a strong will, not a future that someone will create. The aim of the project is for each student to discover themselves connected to society by constructing a vision based on their own interests and concerns, and to strongly feel the connection between his or her future and the future of society. This year, 18 third-year industrial design students participated. The theme of this year is "MOVE." In Suzuki's "transfer of material" and SKY Perfect JSAT Holdings Inc.'s "transfer of knowledge," a new vision was created in which "excitement" is generated from students' imaginations based on their interests and concerns. On the first day, September 27 (Fri.), only the opening event will be held (first 60 people), and 18 students will give public presentations. Please enjoy it at the venue.

Event period

Friday, September 27, 2024 to Sunday, September 29, 2024

Time September 27 (Fri.), 17:30-21:00

* Opening event only for the first 60 people

   September 28(Sat.)- 29(Sun.)11:00 ー 19:00 
Venue AXIS Gallery
Fee Free
Sponsor Kanazawa College Of Art
Joint Sponsorship SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation / Suzuki Motor Corporation
Support The Hokkoku Shimbun
Designer of the poster Katsuo Mizuguchi, Tomonori Ozaki

Opening Event (first 60 people)

(1) What is "Visionary Thinking"? Keigo Kawasaki, Professor at Kanazawa College of Art (20 min.)
(2) Presentations by 9 students from SKY Perfect JSAT Holdings Inc. × Kanazawa College of Art (2-minute presentation per person & 1-minute critique) (30 min.)
(3) Presentations by 9 students from Suzuki Motor Corporation x Kanazawa College of Art (2-minute presentation per person & 1-minute critique) (30 min.)

Jin Kuramoto, Guest Professor at Kanazawa College of Art
Keita Suzuki, Guest Professor at Kanazawa College of Art


Kanazawa College of Art Keigo Kawasaki

TEL 076 262 3686
