• Advance booking required
  • Special Exhibition

CONNECT#005 "Let's Draw a Map of the Future of Design" by Shunji Yamanaka × Kinya Tagawa × Koki Akiyoshi


Shunji Yamanaka and Kinya Tagawa appeared in the feature article "A Map for the Future of Design and 30 Keywords" in the design magazine "AXIS" vol. 229. The two, who know the front lines of design, technology, and creativity, will be joined by VUILD's Koki Akiyoshi, who leads an up-and-coming architectural tech startup, for a generation-mixing talk session. Where is design headed with the rapid evolution of technology over the past few years? And what does human creativity mean? A valuable session to learn and think together. Please come and join us.

Date Wednesday, August 21 
Time 19:00 ー 21:30 (Venue open 18:30)
Venue AXIS Gallery
Fee Free for AXIS Media Membership members
1,000 yen for non-members
Application peatix: https://peatix.com/event/4050042/view
Organizers AXIS Inc.

AXIS Media Membership paid members (monthly plan/annual subscription plan/premium plan) can participate free of charge. We look forward to your registration. You may be asked to present your login screen on the day of the event.。

Time schedule 

18:30   Reception Start
19:00  Talk Session
20:30   MEET UP
21:30  Closing
* The event will be filmed for on-demand distribution. 
*Please note that the event program is subject to change.

AXIS Media Membership

It is a digital service for creators and business people who share a common language of design to work creatively. In addition to disseminating design information both in Japan and abroad, we will also provide opportunities for people who share common interests to meet, inspire each other, and explore the future of design. We invite you to join the unique membership of AXIS, which has been pursuing the intrinsic value of design and building cross-disciplinary networks for over 40 years.