• Advance booking required
  • Special Exhibition

SEED5, an exhibition of digital content where you can find the seeds of ideas

SEED5, an exhibition of digital content where you can find the seeds of ideas

Ray Corporation will hold its fifth private exhibition of digital content, the first in around four and a half years. SEED5 is an exhibition of digital content where you can find the seeds of ideas. With highly advanced digital content that makes full use of imagination and technology, we offer a unique and special experience that is packed with fun, fascination, and surprise. For details, please check our specially designed website. 
This is a reservation-only event. Please register your own page on the specially-designed website and book your visit, date, and time in advance. We look forward to your participation.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024 to Friday, April 19, 2024


10:00 18:00 


AXIS Gallery


Please register via here.



Reservations required

Please register via the specially designed "SEED5" website below.




* Space and experiential equipment at the venue are limited. Please register as soon as possible.


*Even if you are coming as a company (department) or group, each person is required to register individually.

Organizers Ray Corporation

"SEED5" Exhibit Contents

An installation that expresses the human internal time, or "Kairos time," with a simple configuration of a camera, video equipment, and a PC. An output in which the modulated past and present are tightly intertwined encourages reflection on the universal theme of "time."

Invisible AI Art Exhibition
Content that combines generative AI and MR. The AI generates an image artwork based on the combination of words chosen by the visitor. Then, visitors view them through the MR device. This will be a fresh art experience for visitors.

Watch the Sound
Visual and auditory focus are combined through the use of an eye tracker, a gaze sensing device. This content enables a magical experience in which, amidst various noises, only the sound emitted by a specific object in your line of sight is extracted.

Wonder Wall 
Inside a gigantic tailored 3D screen that covers the entire wall, projected three-dimensional images move and follow the viewer's movements, providing an unusual immersive experience, as if another world is spreading out beyond the "mysterious wall."

Robotic arm x Generative AI. AI instantly associates and generates visuals based on the arm's shape which depicts complex motions, either randomly or through user manipulation. It is an ever-changing work of art, where unexpected visuals produced one after another overlap the arm.

Using the photo uploaded by the user as the "present," the AI generates the "past" and "future" derived from the "present" in the form of original text and images. This content creates "another story" from a single photo that is different from the actual one.

The "pulse rate" of the participant is measured, and the vital data is visualized in accordance with the arrangement pattern of the "veins" of a plant. The motifs are based on the similarities between people and nature, and the connection is expressed in the form of unique personalized art.

Ray original products that can be used for events. 
- Event management service "REPEVENT"
- Movie generator "Selfie JAM"

Please check the specially designed website for more details.